and management
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Supporting change is considered by French managers to be one of the most difficult practices on a daily basis; they are also 39% to name resistance to change as a source of frustration. At the same time, 44% of managers believe that preserving the quality of life at work will be one of the challenges for management in the years to come (OpinionWay, the state of the art of management in France, 2017).
Leadership and management: what is it exactly?
Within a company, the manager has a function of authority which has been entrusted to him by the organization, whether it is a hierarchical manager (for example a director, a department manager, or a team leader) or a transversal manager (for example a project manager).
Although depending on the company and the specific function, certain roles and responsibilities are common to all managers:
- Set goals for team members in line with the company’s roadmap
- Assign missions to team members while ensuring available resources
- Support the teams in the event of difficulties
- Manage relationship conflicts
- Be a source of motivation and meaning
More specifically, the hierarchical manager is also expected to be able to:
- Listen to and support its employees
- Support with kindness the increase in skills
- If necessary, straighten out an employee
- Ensure proper communication of the company’s developments with its teams
- Lead annual and professional interviews with employees
- Depending on the organization of the company, the manager may also have certain administrative tasks such as the validation of leave
In times of crisis, the manager’s role takes on an additional dimension when all eyes are on him in order to know what to do, say, or think. The manager will then have to remain calm so as not to increase the stress level of his employees. He will have to set an example by applying his own advice, and finally show availability so that everyone feels comfortable coming to discuss with him.
At the same time, leadership is not directly a function in the organization, but more a skill through which a member of the company (employee, manager, director, etc.) is able to transmit a clear, inspiring, and lively vision to other members of the company. Showing leadership is showing influence and, for this, it is necessary to have a set of soft skills such as:
- Communication skills (written and spoken)
- The ability to give meaning and convey a vision
- Self-assertion
- A strategic and tactical sense
- …
The importance of alignment between the company's strategic lines and managerial skills
Through his actions and communications, the manager represents the direction and strives to guide the work of his team towards the challenges of the company. To carry out this mission, it is necessary to ensure that the managerial community has the appropriate key skills.
In a company that aims to transform itself regularly, it is essential to take into account the key role of the manager in human support in periods of change. He will have to listen to the reactions of his team when a major change occurs to better analyze their potential resistance and support them towards acceptance.
A company that seeks to develop teleworking in its teams must ensure that its managers will be able to adapt and support their employees remotely.
We will also think of a company that seeks to develop well-being and performance at work by implementing an ambitious Quality of Life at Work policy. To be truly relevant, an initiative of this type must become a managerial topic in addition to being an HR topic.
What service does Ekilibre offer in terms of leadership and management?
Our objective is to provide the best support for each company in achieving its goals, from the implementation of a global approach to more specific reinforcement actions.
Each of our supports is guided by a rigorous methodological framework and regularly updated scientific knowledge. We are also in line with the recommendations of national and international reference organizations.
As an example, the main services we can offer you are listed below.
- Seminar and support from the steering committee/executive committee
- Support in the development and management of projects involving changes
- Support for engagement communication
- Implementing a complete training plan for the management team
- Team building
- Support in the context of decisive recruitment
- Workshops on the exchange of practices and co-development
- Support for taking up a position
- 360° assessment of managerial performance
- Assessment of the managerial community skills
- Diagnosis of team functioning
- Tailor-made coaching for executives and other managers
- Tailor-made team coaching
- Leadership and management training
- Change management training
- Project management training
- Remote management training
- Training in setting up efficient meetings
- Conflict resolution training
- Other specifications related to the topic
- Specific coaching on the topic
- Assistance in conflict resolution
- Assistance in the management of a situation of malaise
- Assistance in a situation of reduced performance
- Assistance following an ethics alert
- Assistance in crisis situations
Each situation deserves to be understood in its singularity. Therefore, we invite you to contact us so that we can better understand your needs and co-develop with you the most suitable project.
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