Quality of life
at work
Let's talk about your project
The promotion of the quality of life at work keeps being an asset on a daily basis for all companies, of all sizes and in all sectors of activity, concerned with the well-being and performance of its employees.
Neglecting the quality of life at work can have significant human (stress, absenteeism, burnout) and financial consequences that should be prevented.
For example, the social cost of stress (healthcare expenses, those linked to absenteeism, cessation of activity and premature death) was estimated between 2 and 3 billion euros in 2007 (according to a study conducted by INRS and Arts et Métiers ParisTech).
Conversely, acting effectively on the key dimensions of the quality of life at work has already stood out as a mobilizing process, particularly promoting social dialogue, facilitating changes, strengthening the prevention measures already in place, and the overall performance of the company.
Depending on the context and the quality of the implementation of the approach, different studies (EU-OSHA, ANACT, etc.) have identified a positive return on investment in improving working conditions ranging from €2.20 to €13.
Investing in the promotion of the quality of life at work means contributing to the well-being and performance of employees over the long term and thus improving the profitability of the company in a motivating dynamic.
Quality of life at work: what is it?
Decorating the offices, installing a foosball table or a fruit vending machine… If these actions can contribute to the quality of life at work (QLW), they are not representative of the heart of a real QLW approach. We are indeed seeking to collectively improve the way of working, by keeping the work, its organization, and the associated relations at the heart of the process rather than the perks.
The National Interprofessional Agreement (ANI) of June 2013 on professional equality and quality of life at work defined the notion of QLW as “the actions which enable to reconcile both the improvement of working conditions for employees and overall business performance. […] The performance of a company is based both on constructive collective relationships and on particular attention paid to employees as individuals. ».
Quality of life at work therefore means putting in place concrete and thoughtful actions aimed at improving both the performance of the company and the well-being of employees.
The 8 major dimensions to improve the QLW
The quality of life at work has a wide spectrum of possible actions, which can be included in the 8 major dimensions according to the National Interprofessional Agreement (ANI) on professional equality and quality of life at work of June 2013:
- the quality of everyone’s commitment at all levels of the company
- the quality of information shared within the company
- the quality of social and work relationships
- the quality of the work content
- the quality of the physical environment
- the quality of work organization
- the possibilities of achievement and personal development
- the possibilities to achieve a work-life balance
Towards a QLW agreement
As a consequence of the Rebsamen law n° 2015-994 of 17 August 2015, which promotes a more strategic social dialogue in companies, compulsory negotiation in companies includes the obligation to negotiate every year (period which may however be extended to 3 years through a majority agreement) on gender equality at work and QLW.
This new negotiation will have to address several sub-topics, namely (cf. C. Trav., L2242-8 deferred):
- The reconciliation of work and family life for employees;
- The objectives and measures to achieve gender equality at work (not only in terms of pay gaps: working conditions, jobs mix, career path, etc.);
- Measures to fight any discrimination in recruitment, employment, and access to vocational training;
- Measures related to professional integration and job retention of disabled workers;
- The terms of the definition of a supplementary provident scheme and a medical coverage plan (under conditions at least as favorable as those of the minimum “care package” generalized on 1 January 2016);
- The exercise of the right of direct and collective expression of employees. This device (not widely used, although subject to mandatory negotiation) is essential from the point of view of the QLW project implementation;
- Finally, the law provides that on a complementary and optional basis, this negotiation may also relate to the prevention of work hardness (when the company enters the scope of the system on a mandatory basis under the risk of a penalty – see C. Trav ., L2242-12 deferred and L4163-3).
This partly overlaps with the new compulsory annual consultation of the works council on the corporate social responsibility policy, working conditions, and employment.
It is not a restrictive framework; there could be more topics negotiated every year in order to allow companies to keep experimenting and innovating.
What service does Ekilibre offer in terms of quality of life?
Our objective is to provide the best support for each company in achieving its goals, from the implementation of a global approach to more specific reinforcement actions.
Each of our supports is guided by a rigorous methodological framework and regularly updated scientific knowledge. We are also in line with the recommendations of national and international reference organizations.
As an example, the main services we can offer you are listed below.
- Development of an approach to promote QLW
- Implementation of a QLW monitoring dashboard
- Support in the drafting and negotiation of a QLW agreement
- Assistance in managing the QLW promotion process
- Communication advice on QLW actions
- Implementation of experience feedback in connection with QLW
- Integration of QLW actions in the DUERP (DUERP = single document for the evaluation of occupational risks) in connection with psychosocial risk factors
- Implementation of a customized QLW barometer
- The innovative “Parkour QVT®” solution from Ekilibre: towards a diagnosis and a QLW action plan in collective intelligence
- Setting up interactive workshops to find plans of action in collective intelligence
- Help prioritizing possible solutions and setting up QLW action plans
- Awareness and tailor-made training for company stakeholders to promote quality of life at work
- Training in the use of innovative Ekilibre tools such as “Parkour Ekilibre” to facilitate the state of play and the implementation of a QLW action plan.
- Specific managerial coaching in connection with some QLW aspects
- Other specifications related to the topic
- Professional mediation
- Taking charge of teams in degraded situations
- Service of psychological support on site
- Remote helpline and psychological support service
- Crisis unit and management of high impact events
Each situation deserves to be understood in its singularity. Therefore, we invite you to contact us so that we can better understand your needs and co-develop with you the most suitable project.
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