Let's talk about your project
The field of CSR supports companies in improving their consideration of the environmental and social issues of their activities.
At the crossroads of three major challenges: social, economic, and ecological, CSR, therefore, implies a voluntary commitment from companies in this global approach, with the main objective of contributing to sustainable development.
The CSR policy in France is also supported by a legal framework with, in particular, the declaration of extra-financial performance (formerly the CSR report), which became mandatory in 2017 for certain companies.
Corporate social responsibility: what is it?
As defined by the European Commission, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is “a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis.”
Whatever the size, status, or sector of activity, all companies can implement a CSR approach.
According to a study conducted by France Stratégie, companies that have a good CSR strategy are on average 13% more efficient than others. However, according to the 2019 survey carried out by Ipsos, 49% of French employees do not know what CSR is.
ISO 26000: The 7 principles of Social Responsibility
The ISO 26000 standard is an international standard which defines the scope of CSR around 7 central pillars:
- governance of the organization
- human rights
- labor relations and working conditions
- environment
- fair practices
- consumer issues
- communities and local development.
According to the French Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Recovery, the advantages related to the implementation of ISO 26000 are for example:
- Its competitive advantages, in particular through reputation
- An identified and shared corporate culture that facilitates attractiveness but also the sustainability of recruitment
- Maintaining motivation and commitment of its employees, as well as their productivity
It should be noted that this international standard is not intended to be a certification.
Regulatory framework for corporate social responsibility
Although initially, it was a voluntary approach, France has set up a legislative and regulatory framework that has gradually been built up in the light of changes in the extra-financial reporting system for companies.
The Ministry of Ecological Transition then announced a set of texts among which we find for example:
- article 116 of the law of May 15, 2001, relating to new economic regulations providing for publicly traded companies to indicate in their annual report a series of information relating to the social and environmental consequences of their activities.
- Or the French law of August 17, 2015, relating to the energy transition for green growth and its implementing decree of August 19, 2016, which reinforced reporting obligations in terms of climate and energy issues, circular economy, and food waste, listed in art. R 225-105 of the Commercial Code.
Other texts reinforce corporate social responsibility obligations, such as the law of 9 November 2016 on the fight against corruption and the law of 27 March 2017 on the duty of vigilance of parent companies and ordering companies.
This text aims to put respect for human rights back at the heart of the concerns of multinationals. The latter must establish and publish a vigilance plan to prevent risks in terms of the environment, human rights, and corruption in their own activities but also those of their subsidiaries, subcontractors, and suppliers, in France and abroad.
Example of concrete actions as part of a CSR approach
In the first place, it can be global actions having an impact on the proper implementation and sustainability of the process by acting on the awakening of collective consciousness, the identification and the sharing of common values within the company. It can include actions such as:
- Identifying a CSR manager or team
- Training employees and managers in CSR
- Analyzing the company’s needs in terms of CSR
By setting up brainstorming workshops, for example, having clearly identified the key players in this process, certain actions can then be prioritized and formalized in an action plan. It can include actions:
- Relating to good environmental practices,by supporting green energies, by evaluating its water and energy consumption or by implementing a recycling policy
- Relating to the well-being of employees, by supporting the implementation of teleworking according to the needs, by developing workspaces, or by promoting diversity
- Relating to ethical, economic, and societal practices, by collectively establishing an ethical charter, by communicating on production conditions, or by promoting responsible purchasing
What service does Ekilibre offer in terms of CSR?
Our objective is to provide the best support for each company in achieving its goals, from the implementation of a global approach to more specific reinforcement actions.
Each of our supports is guided by a rigorous methodological framework and regularly updated scientific knowledge. We are also in line with the recommendations of national and international reference organizations.
As an example, the main services we can offer you are listed below.
- Advice and support on the implementation of a CSR approach
- Initiation of a CSR policy
- Communication consultancy on CSR
- Supporting the CSR manager
- Supporting the implementation of the ISO 26000 approach
- Responsible HR management consultancy
- Current state of the measures relating to CSR
- CSR audit, implementation and reporting
- Implementation of experience feedback
- Identification and prioritization of tailor-made courses of action
- Collective intelligence workshops and exchange on CSR: prioritization of courses of action
- Supporting the development of concrete action plans adapted to the challenges
- CSR awareness and tailor-made training for company stakeholders
- Specific coaching on this topic
- Other tailor-made specifications related to the topic
- Professional mediation
- Taking charge of teams in degraded situations
- Service of psychological support on site
- Remote helpline and psychological support service
- Crisis unit and management of high impact events
Each situation deserves to be understood in its singularity. Therefore, we invite you to contact us so that we can better understand your needs and co-develop with you the most suitable project.
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