Soft skills
Let's talk about your project
Soft skills (stress management, emotional intelligence, time management, self-assertion, creativity, etc.) are not, strictly speaking, business know-how but are still omnipresent today in the majority of the recruitment procedures. And for good reason, as the world of work is constantly evolving, the demand for responsiveness and adaptability is increasing and requires new behavioral skills, called soft skills.
Both for managers and the other employees, these skills can complete the “hard skills” or know-how, and play a major role in the well-being, performance, and collaboration of each actor in the company.
Soft skills: what are they?
Unlike more technical skills, often specific to a given job, soft skills can be defined as more transversal, relational, behavioral skills, etc., and can be applied and adapted to work situations.
They do not replace hard skills. But they exist, among other things, to promote their successful implementation. Therefore, these two skills areas complement each other very well.
It is important to separate soft skills and personality traits. Indeed, although it is possible to have certain predispositions for one or more soft skills. These aptitudes, methods, and techniques can be the subject of specific learning available to everyone, to acquire them and put them into practice, especially in a professional context.
Becoming aware of your soft skills and the ones of your professional entourage
In order to optimize its performance, thanks to the match between its skills, desires, and a given job, it is interesting to identify its own soft skills at work.
From a managerial point of view, in particular, this represents an asset to facilitate the division of labor for example, or the search for a solution when it comes to supporting the increase in skills of one or more employees.
By way of illustration, a non-exhaustive list of 12 soft skills, allowing you to perhaps better appreciate a first overview of these skills, is presented below:
- Adaptability
- Self-assertion
- Ability to listen
- Creativity
- Empathy
- Stress management
- Time management
- Emotional intelligence
- Entrepreneurial spirit
- Curiosity
- Sense of the collective
- Persuasion
Focus on stress and emotional management
A concrete example of a transversal skill to face adaptation situations: knowing how to manage stress and emotions.
Beyond the fundamental benefits of this key skill, in reducing the risks and psychosocial impacts associated with too much exposure to stress factors, better control fully contributes to the employee’s performance.
Recognizing, understanding, welcoming, and expressing one’s emotions, and putting in place stress management strategies such as appropriate cardiac coherence and breathing exercises, are good practices that contribute to the well-being of everyone.
For the manager, it is a fundamental element to take into account in order to support his energy management. This can help him, for example: to avoid being overwhelmed in the support of his group, in his decision-making, or even on a daily basis in interpersonal communication.
What service does Ekilibre offer in terms of soft skills?
Our objective is to provide the best support for each company in achieving its goals, from the implementation of a global approach to more specific reinforcement actions.
Each of our supports is guided by a rigorous methodological framework and regularly updated scientific knowledge. We are also in line with the recommendations of national and international reference organizations.
As an example, the main services we can offer you are listed below.
- Advice on integrating the evaluation of soft skills into recruitment processes, appropriate tools and methods
- Assisting the implementation of recruitment processes integrating the evaluation of soft skills
- Advice on the essential soft skills to be developed in the coming years according to the mapping of professions and the implementation opportunities
- Assisting the implementation of a skills development course related to soft skills
- Soft skills diagnosis
- Implementation of 360° in connection with the soft skills (steering committee “CODIR”, management, project manager)
- Coaching, awareness, and tailor-made training for company stakeholders:
- Improving your oral interventions
- Convincing and persuading
- Creativity and innovation
- Interpersonal communication
- Stress management
- Teamwork
- Emotional intelligence
- Organization and time management
- Other specifications related to the topic
- Specific managerial coaching on the topic
- Individual or group workshops on stress management following sensitive situations
- Individual or group workshops on non-violent communication following tensions
Each situation deserves to be understood in its singularity. Therefore, we invite you to contact us so that we can better understand your needs and co-develop with you the most suitable project.
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